Tuesday, 9 December 2014

The Best Cancer Doctor for YOU

Those looking for appropriate cancer care can easily find they are inundated with choices. There are many amazing doctors who have devoted their professional lives to treating cancer. But that doesn’t mean that every doctor is a good fit for every cancer patient. This is a professional - and medical - relationship to be sure. But it is also a very personal relationship. This is a person with whom you will be spending a great deal of time and in whom you have entrusted your health and even your life. It is important that there is a comfortable and mutually respectful personal connection. So how do you find the best cancer doctor for you?

Create a short list. Of course you’ll need to first narrow down a list of doctors that meet your medical and logistical needs. That means finding doctors - preferably close to where you live - that specialize in your type of cancer, who have excellent reputations, experience, and superb standing within the medical community.

Interview. Once you have your list narrowed down to those doctors who meet your medical criteria, take the time to go and speak with each. Ultimately, it may come down to how comfortable you feel with each of them. This is a relationship like any other and your personalities must align.

Determine what’s important for you. This is your journey and every person’s experience with cancer treatment is different. The style of care that works for one person may not necessarily work for another. Do you need someone who spends a lot of time with you answering questions? Do you prefer someone who has a softer bed side manner or someone who is more cut to the chase? Your style must ultimately dictate the doctor you choose.

Certainly no one wants to be in a position to be searching for a cancer doctor. But unfortunately there are circumstances in our life where we have to be an advocate for ourselves, whether we want to be or not. Taking the time to find the best fit for your cancer care is well worth the time and effort and will ultimately make this a much more successful relationship with a mutual focus on your health. Visit here for more information.

Monday, 10 November 2014

Are Prostate Seed Implants the Right Treatment for You?

While there’s nothing positive about a positive diagnosis of prostate cancer, some patients will discover battling this disease isn’t as frightening as they think. When prostate seed implants are an indicated treatment option, facing down cancer can be a whole lot easier than many realize. This alternative form of therapy has been used by doctors for years with very positive results.

Prostate seed implants are tiny radioactive seeds that are implanted directly into the prostate itself. Unlike more invasive forms of therapy, seed implants are typically handled on an outpatient basis and since they dissolve on their own there’s not a huge commitment of time involved.

There are a number of cases when prostate seed implants make the most sense for a patient to consider. This form of therapy is indicated when prostate cancer is caught in its early stages. Here are just a few of the reasons to consider the alternative if a doctor recommends this form of treatment versus traditional surgery:

•    Less disruption to routine – Many people facing down cancer find the diagnosis even more troubling because it can derail plans and make holding a routine tough. Unlike surgery that can have a long recovery time, implant therapy generally enables people to go back to their normal routine within a few days.

•    Fewer side effects – While side effects are possible with any form of cancer therapy, patients tend to notice fewer with this form of treatment. This can assist those who want to get back to their normal routine to do so faster. Plus, it can help ensure patients feel better as they are battling the disease.

•    Strong success rate – When implant therapy is indicated, doctors offer this option because it works. It’s that simple. When cancer is in its early stages, implant therapy can be as effective – and sometimes more so – than surgical procedures.

Prostate seed implant therapy is a very viable option for many men who are facing down cancer. To know more about the cancer therapy and if it is right for your unique case then you can ask your doctor about it. Keep in mind, a doctor is the only one who can determine if this type of treatment will have the desired effects in your case. Visit here for more information.

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Undergoing Radiation Therapy with Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT)

Cancer diagnosis and continued testing during treatment relies heavily on advanced imaging equipment that can show us most accurately what is happening in the body. When that imaging is combined with the treatment itself that is time when the most pinpoint accurate treatment can be delivered to the cancer site. To that end, as a cancer patient, you may have been introduced to the term IMRT - or intensity-modulated radiation therapy. When most people think of radiation therapy, they think of a beam of radiation being pointed at the general area of the cancer - meant to shrink the tumor and kill the cancer cells. Of course, in this process, healthy cells are also impacted.

However, with intensity-modulated radiation therapy, computers guide a precise beam of radiation to the tumor or the specific area where cancer cells exist. Imaging is used to precisely map the location of the tumor or cancer cells, after which a course of treatment is carefully planned according to the calculation of these locations.

IMRT allows for the most effective treatment of tumors. With this pinpoint technology, tumors are shrunk and even eliminated. IMRT also puts a stop to the ongoing growth and division of cancer cells. Best of all, because this radiation is delivered to such a precise location, healthy tissues and organs that surround the area are minimally impacted. This results in fewer side effects and the ability for you to continue with your normal activities.

If radiation therapy is a part of your treatment plan for your cancer diagnosis, IMRT is one of the most effective ways to go in terms of aggressively addressing cancer while reducing the body’s exposure to radiation. For more information click here

Saturday, 6 September 2014

You’ve Been Diagnosed With Cancer: Now What?

Cancer is a very heavy topic and it’s a word no one wants to hear. Chances are you heard the diagnosis and then very little else your doctor had to say.

After you take a breath and step back to process it all, it’s time to get proactive with treatment. While not every cancer is the same, the truth is many forms of this disease are quite treatable. With millions of cancer survivors living and thriving in the United States, it’s possible to take on the “C-word” and win.

So, how can you play an active role in your fight? Here are some tips that can help you once you’re ready to move forward from that initial diagnosis:

·                     Find a good team to help you – Ideally, you’ll want to work with a group oncology practice as you battle the disease. The advantage here is that groups tend to offer a strong team of players that offer a variety of specialties and years of combined knowledge. You’ll benefit from the entire team as you go through treatment.

·                     Ask questions – Your diagnosis doctor probably explained a lot during that initial appointment, but there’s a good chance you didn’t take it all in. When you find an oncologist, feel free to ask all the questions on your mind. A good doctor will take the time to explain in detail, so you can make informed, accurate decisions about your care.

·                     Explore the options – If you’re working with a solid group practice, you may find there are a variety of treatment options available to you. Take the time to explore them all and gain input from your treatment team on the best possible approach.

·                     Stay positive – This is a hard one to hold on to throughout the entire treatment process, but it’s important. Work with your doctors to ease side effects and try to keep your mind in the game. Positive thinking won’t “cure” cancer, but it can help you focus on getting better.

When it comes to treating cancer, you are the key player on the treatment team. Find skilled professionals to work with and do your part by asking questions, understanding the process, and staying positive to increase the odds of the desired outcome. For more information click here

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Cancer Treatment; What’s The Plan?

Going into a battle against cancer can be the fight of your life. Armed with a supportive team of people around you, doctors who are experts in their field, and the most positive outlook you can manage, you begin the journey that will hopefully bring you back to a cancer-free life of good health.

Just as with anything else, a successful outcome for cancer treatment relies on a firm plan that has everyone on the same page and a very specific direction in which to proceed. If you’ve just been diagnosed with cancer and you’ve found the appropriate cancer treatment team to help you in this battle, it’s important to establish that you have such a plan in place. Work with your doctors and treatment team to determine that everything is in place to put you on the road to good health.

·         What is your official diagnosis? Every cancer is different and there are important nuances of each. It’s important to establish a relationship with a doctor and treatment team that understands and has extensive experience treating your very specific type of cancer.

·         What is your prognosis? This can be a scary question to ask but it’s important to know this information so you can proceed accordingly. Your doctors will tell you what stage your cancer is in and how treatment can determine your prognosis.

·         What treatments are available to you? Every cancer responds differently to treatment and different treatment options are continually becoming available. Work with your medical team to establish what treatments are available to you and how they can affect your ability to get well.
With a plan in place you can begin the journey to becoming cancer-free. So work with your doctors until you feel comfortable with the options available to you.

Positive Approach And Killing Spirit Help You To Fight Back With Cancer

Cancer is a dreadful disease that needs to be treated instantly and under the proper guidance of well qualified and experienced doctors of this field. The cancer treatment centers of Texas comprise the best oncologists of the world. Here, the cancer patient gets not only impeccable treatment done by latest techniques but a calm and supportive atmosphere that helps the patient in his fast recovery.

The team made by the compilation of oncologist, physician, radiologist and helping staff assists you at every step of your treatment. Doctors here, besides providing the best treatment also monitor your mental status. They help you to maintain your positive attitude and winning spirit as these are the key elements in your fight against cancer.
Doctors keep emphasize on the importance of optimistic approach and strong will. According to them an optimistic patient can overcome this disease more speedily than any other patient. This disease can be stopped by further growing and can be cured by positive approach of the patient.  The patient has to control all the negative thoughts like feeling sad or depressed to beat the cancer. As per the medical research, the patients with a positive approach survive more than patients with a negative attitude.

You will get proper training from the experts at cancer treatment centers in Texas. They will not only work on you, but your friends and family as well as they comprehend that it is not the person only who fight with this cruel disease every day but all the people in his circle get affected by the same!!

Once You Choose Hope Anything Is Possible With Cancer!!

Once patient is diagnosed with cancer, he, or she usually feels betrayed. They do not understand that why on earth God has punished them so badly. After hearing such bad news friend and family members of patients keep showing their anxieties and apprehensions and make the person more depressed and ultimately he dies prior to his treatment. Despite of getting feared with the disease, if person determines to fight back with energy and positive attitude, cancer is not incurable. All he needs to remain hopeful and trust on his doctor who is trying to save his life. Keeping positive approach in dreadful condition can give you opportunity to think rationally. You can concentrate on your treatment in an enhanced way.

The patient can get the best treatment at cancer treatment centers of Texas. Here, doctors are collected from all over the world for their expertise in various sectors of cancer. They are the best in providing immaculate treatment in all possible ways. They do not treat you as the patient, but they look after you as their friend from day one of your arrival. The relaxing and comforting ambiance of North Texas cancer centers is the major factor for attracting patients from every corner of the globe. Far from city chaos, the atmosphere of the centers keeps all your anxieties away, and you focus on your treatment with more positive energy.