Saturday, 6 September 2014

You’ve Been Diagnosed With Cancer: Now What?

Cancer is a very heavy topic and it’s a word no one wants to hear. Chances are you heard the diagnosis and then very little else your doctor had to say.

After you take a breath and step back to process it all, it’s time to get proactive with treatment. While not every cancer is the same, the truth is many forms of this disease are quite treatable. With millions of cancer survivors living and thriving in the United States, it’s possible to take on the “C-word” and win.

So, how can you play an active role in your fight? Here are some tips that can help you once you’re ready to move forward from that initial diagnosis:

·                     Find a good team to help you – Ideally, you’ll want to work with a group oncology practice as you battle the disease. The advantage here is that groups tend to offer a strong team of players that offer a variety of specialties and years of combined knowledge. You’ll benefit from the entire team as you go through treatment.

·                     Ask questions – Your diagnosis doctor probably explained a lot during that initial appointment, but there’s a good chance you didn’t take it all in. When you find an oncologist, feel free to ask all the questions on your mind. A good doctor will take the time to explain in detail, so you can make informed, accurate decisions about your care.

·                     Explore the options – If you’re working with a solid group practice, you may find there are a variety of treatment options available to you. Take the time to explore them all and gain input from your treatment team on the best possible approach.

·                     Stay positive – This is a hard one to hold on to throughout the entire treatment process, but it’s important. Work with your doctors to ease side effects and try to keep your mind in the game. Positive thinking won’t “cure” cancer, but it can help you focus on getting better.

When it comes to treating cancer, you are the key player on the treatment team. Find skilled professionals to work with and do your part by asking questions, understanding the process, and staying positive to increase the odds of the desired outcome. For more information click here