While there’s nothing positive about a positive diagnosis of prostate cancer, some patients will discover battling this disease isn’t as frightening as they think. When prostate seed implants are an indicated treatment option, facing down cancer can be a whole lot easier than many realize. This alternative form of therapy has been used by doctors for years with very positive results.
Prostate seed implants are tiny radioactive seeds that are implanted directly into the prostate itself. Unlike more invasive forms of therapy, seed implants are typically handled on an outpatient basis and since they dissolve on their own there’s not a huge commitment of time involved.
There are a number of cases when prostate seed implants make the most sense for a patient to consider. This form of therapy is indicated when prostate cancer is caught in its early stages. Here are just a few of the reasons to consider the alternative if a doctor recommends this form of treatment versus traditional surgery:
• Less disruption to routine – Many people facing down cancer find the diagnosis even more troubling because it can derail plans and make holding a routine tough. Unlike surgery that can have a long recovery time, implant therapy generally enables people to go back to their normal routine within a few days.
• Fewer side effects – While side effects are possible with any form of cancer therapy, patients tend to notice fewer with this form of treatment. This can assist those who want to get back to their normal routine to do so faster. Plus, it can help ensure patients feel better as they are battling the disease.
• Strong success rate – When implant therapy is indicated, doctors offer this option because it works. It’s that simple. When cancer is in its early stages, implant therapy can be as effective – and sometimes more so – than surgical procedures.
Prostate seed implant therapy is a very viable option for many men who are facing down cancer. To know more about the cancer therapy and if it is right for your unique case then you can ask your doctor about it. Keep in mind, a doctor is the only one who can determine if this type of treatment will have the desired effects in your case. Visit here for more information.